03 March 2008

Week3- Cause&Effect- Erkan: Steps to My Essay-1

Hi all,
I was wondering how it feels if I put myself in your shoes and try to accomplish a writing assignment; so I decided to get involved in this writing a cause and effect essay: Factors that lead to student failure at university. Here I will post each step I follow when writing my essay.
Step 1. Research about the topic: I did a google search and found a few web sources, like the ones below:
Step 2. Analysis: As I read the reasons, arguments and information in the sources I started to have some ideas about what to talk about in my essay.
Step 3. Brainstorming: Now I start to write down whatever comes to my mind:
What factors lead to student failure at university?..
- bad time management (academic and personal responsibilities: too many assignments, cooking, cleaning, etc... )
- difficulty adapting to a different environment; leaving the family
- having to work due to financial reasons
- too much freedom brings problems: bad habits- smoking, alcohol, staying out late, parties, etc..
- what else?..
[Time spent: 2 hours - 8 to 10 pm]
to be continued...

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