Earning money is a good thing for everyone. If you are a student, it will be more attractive to you because it is very difficult both studying and working. If you both work and study, you will have some difficulty with following lessons, having social activities and having ambition for earning more money.
Firstly, lessons are the most important thing for a student. If student will miss a lesson, s/he has a big lost. When we think of a student who works while studying, s/he will have obscurity in following lessons. S/he will be tired after working. Therefore, s/he doesn’t want to listen about lessons and if s/he has homework, s/he won’t do that. That will affect the student negatively.
Secondly, a working student doesn’t have time for him/herself. So, they won’t do anything except sleeping. Whenever they find any spare time, they will prefer to sleep. So, their life will be monotous.
Last, student will not care about his/her lessons when s/he started to earn her/his own money. When a person earns money, s/he wants more than that money. So, s/he will have ambitious to earn more. With this desire, student will work for full- time job. Also, s/he will spend more money because s/he thinks that I have money and I can spend it wherever I want. As a result of this situation, student may finish his/her student life.
In conclusion, students shouldn’t have work while studying. As we see, it has only disadvantage.
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