20 March 2008

Week5: Online theft- Deniz K's thoughts

In today's world, internet is very useful and necessary for our lifes [sp]. We use it in every part of our lifes [sp]. But recently most [let us not overgeneralize; use some] people [have] start[ed] to utilize it for their own benefits such as online theft. This means downloading from the internet without paying anything and taking permission [let us use without authorization]. Famous people,who are interested in art, music and movies, spend millions of dolars for these things and they make so much effort [to create these works].They hope to earn money, but we connect the internet and download their works. It is not ethical. We commit a crime. Should we sentence to a jail [use passive here, or add an object, like should we send those people who committed online theft to jail]? In my opinion for this crime sentencing jail [grammatically incomplete; it should be sentencing people for (a period of time) in jail. You can also use charging people of a serious crime, or sending these people to jail] is too harshly but of course people who commit a crime should not stay[go away] without fine. They should pay a fine. But if we really want to solve this problem, it must be blocked by the head of the internet program creaters.

Thanks Deniz for sharing your thoughts on the issue; good argument....

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