18 January 2008

Would you like to learn some features about two languages?

The Turkish language and the English language have many features. Also the languages have some similarities and some differences between each other. Therefore similarities are the Latina alphabet and some common words. On the other hand differences are pronunciation and making sentence structure. Exactly, I’m not going to explain what I mentioned, as in examples.

These two languages use the Latin alphabet. Although, Turkish language used Arabic alphabet in the past, then Ataturk made a language reform in the 1930s and started using the Latin alphabet. Also English language used Roman alphabet in the past. Moreover, there are a few differences about which letters are used. The Turkish language don’t use these letters: ‘q, x, w’. On the other hand, the English language don’t use these letters: ‘ü, ö, ı, ç, ş, ğ’. However, we can make some of these letters’ sound while speaking or with other letters. That is to say, some letters are not in the languages like ‘ş’ and ‘x’ letters might be pronounced with ‘sh’ and ‘ks’ letters together.

Furthermore, common words in English are very similar to some common words in Turkish. For example, yoghurt, television, radio, program, carton, telephone, message etc… All these words have the same meaning in both languages. Also pronunciation and spelling of these words are quite similar. The reason for this is, that Turkish barrowed many words from English. Similarly, English barrowed a few words from Turkish like yoghurt, divan etc.

On the other hand, while there are some similarities, there are also some major differences. The pronunciation between English and Turkish is very different. That is to say, Turkish letters are pronounced as how they are written in alphabet, unlike English letters which are pronounced in many ways.

Another difference is constructing sentence in Turkish and in English. In Turkish when you write a sentence sometimes it is just the continuation of a word. However in English any sentence there are many separate words. If there should be a simple example that is; in English ‘Are you at my home?’, in Turkish ‘Evimdemisiniz?’... Also, word order in sentence is different. From the website www.wikipedia.org it is stated, “Word order in simple Turkish sentences is generally Subject Object Verb, as in Korean and Latin, but unlike English. In more complex sentences, the basic rule is that the qualifier precedes the qualified: this principle includes, as an important special case, the participial modifiers discussed above. The definite precedes the indefinite: thus çocuğa hikâyeyi anlattı "she told the child the story", but hikâyeyi bir çocuğa anlattı "she told the story to a child".”

What is more, there is some different kind of feature about stress like sentence stress. That is to say, we might change the place of the sentence stress without exception, which word we want to stress on. From the website www.wikipedia.org it is stated, “It is possible to alter the word order to stress the importance of a certain word or phrase. The main rule is that the word before the verb has the stress without exception. For example, if one wants to say "Hakan went to school" with a stress on the word "school" (okul, the indirect object) it would be "Hakan okula gitti". If the stress is to be placed on "Hakan" (the subject), it would be "Okula Hakan gitti" which means "it's Hakan who went to school".

As I mentioned above, these two languages have some similiraties and some differences like using the Latin alphabet and like sentence constructing. However, we should not realize that is totally a difference nor a similarity, which are features of these two languages. At the same time, all features might have some differences and some similarities, between eachother. In my opinion, people should learn or try to understand these kind of features between their native language and the language they would like to learn as the features between Turkish and English.

source : www.wikipedi.org (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_language)

Hulusi Benzer 077105


When I finished high school and started university ,actually I knew that they are
not the same.But when I started university,I reliazed that they are differences between
them.They are a lot of differences but perhaps four differences are more important for students . These are life of students,psychology of students ,the lessons they are given and the teacher.
The first difference is life of students at both high school and university.High school students depend more on their family by lifestyle than university students.Because high school students live with their family .Unlike university students, high school students have to take permission from their parents while they do something .As for university students , they usually live away from their family.They are responsible for what they do.(www.smu.edu/alec/whyhighschool.htm)
The second difference is psychology of students.University students feel themselves less under pressure.Because they are no longer high school students.In contrast,high school students feel under pressure.Because they have to take and pass a big university entrance exam.
The third difference is lessons they are given.In high school,students get 6or 7 lessons in a day.They have lesssons five days a week.In high school ,topics of lessons have more basic information ,whereas university students get different number of lessons in a day .Mostly they have four days in a week.Besides,topics of lessons have mora academic information.(www.smu.edu/alec/whyhighschool.htm) ,(www.davesdaily.com/funpages/collegeschool.06_05.htm)
The four difference is teachers.In high school,teacher are less formal than university teacher.High school teachers usually finish only university.However;university teachers usually are instructors.They have at least a master degree .High school teacher have more relationship with students than university teacher .In the university usually come to class,give lessons and go. www.smu.edu/alec/whyhighschool.htm), www.davesdaily.com/funpages/collegeschool.06_05.htm)
I think university students themselves more free in all sides.Because they have decided what they want to do.They don’t have to ask other people.Besides,in the university they are given more oppurtunity.There provide the best opportunity to use them.They increase their chance of success by using these opportunities more effective.

All over the world millions of people speak two languages, first one is their mother tongue, the second one is their foreign language. While they are learning these language, they face some differences. I had experienced these differences in my secondary school time. There are three major differences between first language and second language. First one is acquisition and exposure while learning these languages. Second is habit formation and study. Last one is interaction and activation. Now, I will compare these three factors which are different in first and second language learning.
Firstly, acquisition is the major factor in first language. Acquisition is an unconscious process while infant is learning his or her mother tongue. Noam Chomsky argued that “Children are biologically programmed for language and that language develops in the child in just the same way that other biological functions develop.”( Lightbown and Spada 2006) (p.15). For example, every child will learn to walk when he or she is fed adequately and reasonable freedom of movement are provided.(Lightbown and Spada 2006). However, in second language exposure is conscious learning, it is created by learner. If learners learn a new language eagerly, they would find good opportunities to learn that language completely. The basic explanation of exposure is that face to all events of the target language in conscious way. Briefly, get help from the surrounding language speakers or discovering all the rules and specific points of language system in enthusiastic personality.
Secondly, another difference is habit formation in first language and study in second language learning. Habit formation is viwed as imitation and practice as the primary processes in first language learning. B. F. Skinner states that “When children imitated the language produced by those around them, their attempts to reproduce what they heard received positive reinforcement.”(Lightbown and Spada 2006). (p.10). On the other hand, in second language learning study is more difficult than habit formation in first language. Study is an activity which the students are asked to focus in on language and it is construction. This is a self-working on second language to acquire the general information of target language.(www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/directions/04.htm). So this example shows that habit formation is so important in first language but in second language it doesn’t work because children should discover all the rules by studying themselves.
Thirdly, while interaction is one of the main parts of learning first language, activation is one of the major factors of learning second language. In interaction, learners use and practice what they acquire in first language. With interaction, learner will have the chance of using language which they learn without consciousness. According to Vygotsky, “Language develops primarily from social interaction.” And he argued that “In a supportive interactive environment, children are able to advance to a higher level of knowledge and performance.”(Lightbown and Spada) (p.20). However, activation is an element describes exercises and activities which are designed to get students using second language as freely and communicatively as they can.(How to Teach English). So, in interaction learners will have chance to use language which is acquired and just will help to use it. But in activation, it will help to learners use language and also all structures of target language. It gives chance the learners to evaluate their potential on language. In addition that in activation, learners get a chance to face a real world situation. All activities will help them to improve their real situation reactions.
In conclusion that in this essay I tried to compare different parts of learning first language and second language, in sense of acquisition and exposure, habit formation and study and lastly interaction and activation. All parts play different roles in learning first language and second language, and each of them is different from each other. As I mentioned, in first language learning acquisition, habit formation and interaction create a structure to students know about first language deeply. Also exposure, study and activation play the same role in second language learning. I think all learners and teachers should be aware of these points to teach or learn a language effectively and according to these points, they should create a good plan for their studying process.


· Lightbown, P.M. and Spada, N. (2006). How Languages are Learned (Third edition) Oxford: Oxford University Pres

· _________(2007). Methodology in English Language Teaching. (ELT 313). Classroom notes. Eastern Mediterranean University: North Cyprus

· National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. (Fall 1985). Acquiring a Second Language for School. Retrieved January 10,2008, from the World Wide Web: http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/directions/04.htm
Differences between Psychologist and Psychological counsellor and guide

Nowadays when students need psychological help they can go to a psychologist or PCG. But there are some differences between psychologists and PSGs. It depends on the students wants and problems, to which one they should go.

The first and simple difference is that they have different title. A psychologist has a doctor title and Works in a clinique (Charles G. Morris, 1991). Moreover Psychologists study longer than PCGs and they have to work in a hospital after their study (tr.wikipedia.org). A PCG is only a counsellor and works in an Office.
The second difference is that PCGs don’t learn as much details as psychologists about psychology, they learn more usual things, for example how to motivate a student. If a student comes from a different culture and county, they can help the student to deal with the culture shock or to help when someone have family related problems (Doç. Dr. T. Fikret Karahan, 2004) Unlike PSGs, psychologists can help people who have serious problems, for example alcoholics, people who are depressed, drug Users or homosexuals (Carles G. Morris, 1991)

So a student should to go to a PCG when he/she has problems at school, when they can’t get use to the county and culture they study, than they have problems in the classroom with their peers or than they have family related problems (www.pdr.hacettepe.edu.tr). But if someone has serious psychological problems, than they should go to a psychologist.

When you go to a PCG at first and when the counsellor see that his/her patient has more serious problems than school, family or adapting problems, the PCG can transfer the patient to a psychologist, because psychologists have more knowledge than PCGs.


1. Charles G. Morris (1991), Understanding Psychology
Simon & Schuster/ A Viacom Company
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

2. Doç. Dr. T. Fikret Karahan (2004), Psikolojik Danışma ve Psikoterapide Kuramlar
Deniz Kültür Yayınları
İstiklal Cad. No: 57/B, Samsun

INTERNET sources:
1. Hacettepe University. www.pdr.hacettepe.edu.tr

2. tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psikolojik_danısmanlık_ve_Rehberlik

America's and Turkey's Education System

Every culture has its own education system.Education systems’ aim is to increase the society’s development level.When education system is created,it depends on the country’s cultural and ethical features.So between the countries education systems there are some differences and similarities.l want to compare America’s and Turkey’s education systems with their good sides and bad sides.There are three differences such as the structure of education system,the process of education and a way of being a university student.ln addition the only similarity is the aim of their education.
The first difference is the structure of education.”Turkey’s education system is central compared to America’s local education system.”(Balcı(1998),p.51)ln Turkey all the schools’ curricula are determined by Ministry and they are the same.So in Turkey education is given the students more equally than in America.ln local education system;education and curricula can change according to every province.ln this respect equal education can’t be provided exactly.
Second difference is when we compare the process of education in America it’s longer than Turkey.”Compulsory education is eight years in Turkey.On the other hand it is twelve years in America”(Balcı(1998)p.51)The longer you get education,the more beneficial it is for you.A web site link is provided by Process of Education in the United States of America (www.ed.gov) gives that “it also helps the students’ total development sucs as physical well-being and motor development,social and emotional development.”
The third difference is that after compulsory education students have to take a university exam for further education in Turkey.But it’s just the opposite in America where students don’t have to sit a university exam.ln Turkey in order to have a good future at least you should graduate from a university.So this affects students so much.They focus their all life on exams.Students are not able to decide logically.But in Americe every university determines it itself.There aren’t any exams.Students choose a university which is suitable for them and the universities choose the best students according to their qualities and abilities.
The only similarity is these two countries’ aim in education.Both of them are based on equal and free education.Governments support the schools and students.Without discrimination everybody has individual value.(Balcı(1998),p.49)
After comparing these two countries,l learn the three differences and the only one similarity .America and Turkey are very important countries for the world.But America is more developed than in Turkey.From here l infer that development level depends on a country’s education level.


Archived information Progress of Education in the United States od America.Retrieved December 10,2007 from the World Wide Web :http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Prog95/pt1org.html

Balcı Ali.(1998).Karşılaştırmalı Eğitim Sistemleri (2nd ed.).Ankara

17 January 2008


Nothing is totally similar to each other. There should be some differences that we can appreciate it with its own values. Normally, as everything, the two big religions, Islam and Christianity have a lot of differences. Some of them are the concept of deity, the concept of purity, worship center religious symbols and so on.

People who believe Christianity are named Christian, on the other hand Islam believers are called Muslim. Christian’s holy book is Bible ; Muslim’s one is Qur’an. Considering the major differences , the first difference is the concept of deity. Qadri (1989) states that “Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of Christian religion – The father is God, the son is God and the Holy Spirit is God “ (p.71). In contrast ,according to Aydin (1999) Muslims believe in only one God, named Allah (p.3). Second difference is the baby’s status at birth. In Christianity, there is “Baptism”. Qadri defines baptism as “the ritual whereby the Christian babies, as also new entrants to Christianity, are immersed in water to purify them from sins” (p.95). However, the principle is different in Islam. The information on a website source (religioustolerance.com)tells that there is no baptism in Islam. Babies are born in pure state of submission to Allah.
The same website gives another example of difference which is the name of worship center. Christian’s worship place is church (for some cathedral); Muslim’s worship center is mosque. Muslim’s main worship day is Friday, but Christian’s day of main worship is Sunday.

Last major difference is in religious symbols. “Cross” is the symbol of Christianity. It is put on the top of the churches to show it is the symbol of the religion, Christianity. Qadri states that “ The cross is by far the most important symbol having a unique significance in its mythical origin and magical application. It is believed to be the reflection of the Plank of gallows whereupon Jesus was allegedly crucified with hands and feet nailed thereto” (p.105). However, Islam has the “crescent” as its symbol. And this symbol of Islam is put on the top of the mosques to show it to be the symbol of Islam.

In conclusion, there are so many differences in fact that we can write books about these major religions. Here I can not tell all of the differences. However people can learn them. Because, they have freedom of belief. Everyone can choose their own religion with its own values and differences.

1. Aydin, M. (1999). Namaz Hocasi . Izmit

2. Qadri, A.H. (1989) . Dimensions of Christianity Islamabad : Da’mah Academy

3. Robinson, B.A. originally written: AGU 26, 2001
Latest update: JULY 29, 2007
Retrieved DEC 26,2007

16 January 2008

Do you know TV movie series? Lost and Heroes.Everybody watchs these two series only 45 minutes whenever these two series are broadcast on Cnbc-e.
These two series are the most popular on Cnbc-e.Lost and Heroes have two similarities;they’re both popular anda re broadcast on Cnbc-e.And also they have two differences;plot and characters.
First similariy is their popularity.Everybody like adults,teenagers and children watch these two series.
Lost are broadcast last year.For this reason everybody brought and watched ıts series .And Heroes are broadcast every sunday on Cnbc-e at 22:00.At first Heroes is broadcast on NBC.Everybody watched them and loved them then they transfered on Cnbc-e.Heroes have high retings for the past five years (tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes)
Last similarity is they bot hare broadcast on Cnbc-e now.Lost finished last year but everybody want to buy its DVD.And now everybody watches Heroes every sunday at 22:00 on Cnbc-e.People are upset because this movies last only 40 munites.Everybody wonder what will happen next chapter?
While there are some similarity,there are also some differences.First difference is the plot.Lost is made in Amazon Rain Forest (ntvmcnbs.blogspot.com/2007/12/lost_dizisi.html)But Heroes is make in America,Los Angeles,San Francisco,New York because of their characters super natural power ,so the plot of the series takes place in different cities.(ntvmcnbs.blogspot.com/search/label/Heroes)
Another difference is the character in Lost.There is a plane crash and 48 people on the plane survived in Amazon Rain Forest.48 people are like us.They are ordinary people such as;worker,criminal,police,doctor etc.(ntvmcnbs.plogspot.com/2007/12/lost_dizisi.html)
But Heroes’ characters are very different because each of them has super natural powers.One character flies like Peter Pan.(Cnbc-e journal p.71)One character read your mind or whatever you think.One character heals itself when she has a accident or whatever she does.One character stops the time and travelsbetween years and times.(Cnbc-e journal p.71)One people eats brains of people to resemble their character and to take their abilities.
To sum up,Heroes and Lost not only have similarities but also some differences.As you know Heroes and Lost the most popular Tv series all over the world. I accept that Heroes and Lost don’t resemble eachother but everybody knows and loves both of these series.Although Lost finished last year,everybody rented Lost’s series.Heroes haven’t finished yet but every sunday everybody waits for these series.Now,the second season of Heroes is broadcast .
If you don’t know about Lost and Heroes ,you should try them at once.You will see, you will be come addicted.

15 January 2008



Do you know differences between city life and village life? Also, you may think the city life is most comfortable. You know, there are so many differences between them. That is to say, people living in cities are different from people living in the city. There are five major differences between city and village (people) lifestyle. I’m going to write social activities or opportunities, people’s behavior, most common events, safety and getting good education.

First of all; there is big advantage of city life than the village life. There are more opportunities in city. According to internet source (
http://dedunu.wordpress.com/ ) the main difference “there are more opportunities for people to progress in their lives. There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. “

What’s more, many parents want to be able to prepare their children with the best education. So they prefer quality education in the city area. The same web search gives evidence “children living in the city can get a good job education, because there are better schools in the town than in the village. When a person falls ill there are good government and private hospital in the city to get treatment. There are large shops complexions, banks, offices cinemas, hostels, clubs, hospitals…etc . in and around the city. So people can lead a comfortable and enjoyable life in the city.”

On the other hand, people s behavior in city people is often distant and unfriendly. But in village, they are warm-heated and helpful. For example; if your car breaks down while driving in the village, many people stop to help you but in the city, most people do not care. They just drive past you. What s more, unlike people living in the city, they visit someone often and they know each other well. That is to say, they visit someone often and they know almost everything about their lives whereas most people living in the city don’t even know their next door neighbor’s name.

The third interesting difference is that; in village, there are not enough shops or stores. Therefore, the salesman is everywhere in village. So street selling is the most common event. Kalafat (2006) states that “ the assortment of the goods that are sold in the streets has reached unbelievable dimensions. From the street vendors carts all sorts of things from car fires to computers and even pianos are sold “ (p:102) However, in city there are a lot of big shop or store so people don’t prefer street selling.

Finally, one of the most important advantages of village life is that it is much safer than the city. There are fewer cars than in the city. Therefore, there is no noise of traffic and no accident. What’s more in village, there is no industrial and factorial pollution. That is to say air is clean and fresh so people can grow fruit which is much healthier. Again the same web source gives evidence “the village has clean air and the environment is very beautiful. The village has less noise and rush. So the

pollution is less. The village has not lot of vehicles. So roads are less dangerous for driving cycling. They can get fresh vegetable and fresh fruits. “

To sum up, city has many advantages over village, because city offers modern life facilities are easily available. I think, although the life in the city is more comfortable and modern than village, I like village life than city. Because, i feel relaxed and safe so if I have to choose between village or city life, I will say village life.