28 March 2008

Week6: Plagiarism Statistics- from Gulsah Cekin

Plagiarism Statistics
Did You Know???
66% of 16,000 students from 31 prestigious U.S. universities have cheated at least once, says 1991 Rutgers University study. 12% of those reported themselves as regular cheaters. This means nearly seven out of ten students cheat, and at least one of those cheats all the time!!
36% of undergraduates have admitted to plagiarizing written material, says 1997 Psychological Record study.
4 out of 5 high achievers surveyed in 1998 admitted to cheating on school work according to publishers of Who's Who Among American High School Students. More than half of those students said such cheating was "no big deal," and practically none got caught.
Cheating on campus increased an estimated 744% from 1993 to 1997, says University of California-Berkley officials. On the other hand, the University of Saskatchewan released its annual set of statistics on cheating, showing that for the third consecutive year, the number of cases has dropped.University Secretary Lea Pennock announced that between July 2004 and June 2005, the University had 52 cases of academic dishonesty heard by college and university panels. Of these, 47 students were found to be guilty (one student was suspended for a term, none were expelled, and the remainder were penalized with either failure in the class or with a grade reduction in the class).

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