12 April 2008

Week 9: A Fresh Start after MIDTERMS!

Dear all,
I hope all your exams went well. Please accept my "gecmis olsun" wishes...
Now it's time to get back to work! Thank you those who've submitted their first drafts online and suggested possible argumentative topics. So far, there are 18 topics suggested in total; some of these topics look too general, some seem okay...
Please look for topics you can take a firm argumentative side, and defend your argument. Please also remember you will have to support your arguments with evidence, and examples, and etc. So think of topics about which you can find support (on the Internet, in books or magazines, etc.).
This week we'll look at how we can write an outline for our essay, so please come to class with some topics in mind (and written somewhere to share with us) and START LOOKING for SUPPORT (online, from the books, newspapers and magazines...

ps. You can also look at the 10 Steps to Writing link on the right. Check STEP 5- writing an outline
ps2. Results of the READING section of the midterm exam will be ready on Monday. We'll announce your WRITING results after a standardization procedure in which Nilgun, Elmaz and I will decide on an agreed marking criteria.

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