01 April 2008

Many students are trying to working a part time job while studying. Part time job is very popular for students who are trying to support themselves. But working may impact their study to do badly.
If a students work as a part time job while studying they will be unable to cope with their studies. They can not spend time their courses or projects. Because no time to do homework or less time to concentrate on lessons. Moreover, they may have difficulties in following the class. They are too tired and do not want to go to class.
A large amount of money in hand may be easily started to use bad habits. That is to say, they can earn a lot of money and then easily involved drug addition and alcoholic. So they can be unconcern to their education.
All students need time to relax after studying. we can easily see them that if they only students and work their courses, they will be very stressful and tired. So that, we shouldn't’t do part time job and have some time to relax. We can join the social activities and play basketball or tennis like this in our free time.

So I think that student shouldn’t do part time jobs while studying

EBRU GÖK-077119

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