14 June 2008


Dear all,
Below is the results of the final exam (30%): Reading (20%) + Writing (10%)
040810- 13 + 6.5
050001- 11.75 + 6.5
050005- 10 + 6.5
050006- 10.25 + 9.5
050020- 10 + 7
050023- 10 + 6.5
050028- 14 + 5.5
050043- 12 + 7.5
050057- 10.5 + 7
050060- 12 + 7
050063- 11 + 6
054001- 14.75 + 7.5
057008- 8.25 + 6.5
057015- 13 + 7.5
060156- 11 + 6
061524- 3 + 5
064604- 8 + 5
070170- 13.5 + 7
070179- 15 + 8
070180- 15 + 10
070181- 17 + 9.5
070184- 18.75 + 8.5
070191- 9.5 + 8
077105- ...
077115- 6.75 + 7
077119- 6.75 + 6
077130- 8.5 + 4.5
077134- ...
078205- 16 + 10
078206- 12.75 + 7.5
078290- 18 + 8.5
Average: 17.66
St. Dev: 6.5

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