04 December 2007

My favourite Family Tradition

Every year on the 25th of december I and my family celebrate christmas. I love christmas day because from the beginning of the day to the end it is a fun celebration and the whole day is filled with happiness.
On christmas day my little sister and I wake up early in the morning to open our beautifully wrapped presents under the huge, green christmas tree. We also look into our long, red stockings that hang onto the large, marble fireplace for more little presents.
After excitingly opening my lovely gifts I change into my new clothes and join the rest of the family for a tasty, big, english breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausage and beans. Then i usually help my mum wash up the dirty dishes and we all get ready to celebrate christmas with my aunties, uncles and cousins at my grandmothers big, old house.
When we get to my grandmothers house we exchange more gifts and we play fun games, like twister, which is a good laugh. We also put on christmas songs and dance madly with everyone. After the fun and games we all sit down at a long, brown, wooden, dining table and we tuck into a delicous christmas dinner. While eating at the table everyone pulls a cracker with the person sitting next to them and if im lucky I sometimes get the surprise gift inside the cracker.
When everyones full we all help clean the table and settle our stomaches for a bit before dessert. While we sit down to relax we show eachother what presents we got for christmas and sometimes i get really impatient and I try on my new clothes and shoes at my grandmothers house to see what they look like on me. After about an 45 minutes of relaxing my grandfather brings out a scrumptious, fat, chocolate log and we all get a slice each and dig in. As it gets late everyone starts going home and we all say goodnight and leave my grandmothers house.
When my family and I get home we watch a funny movie and after that we all go to bed and think about how wonderful the day has been.
Even though I am getting a bit old for christmas now it is still the best time of the year for me and I enjoy every moment of it.

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